Ezra 1:1-6
As Christians, we trust the word of God, and we trust it with important, sensitive and delicate areas of our lives.
We trust God’s word to:
Guide our marriages
Guide the advice and what we teach our children
Guide what we believe is right and wrong
Guide how we handle our bodies
We let God’s word affect every area of our life and our future. We have to trust it, and we should rely on God’s promises that come from his word.
This morning we will look at specific promises God made to his people. The promise was made in Jeremiah 29:10.
The promise was fulfilled 70 years later in Ezra 1:1-6.
The fact that God had worked out all that would happen within those 70 years is interesting, but let’s look at what is amazing. …the kind of thing that makes The Bibledifferent from any other book you will ever read. …the kind of thing that makes trusting God’s word in the sensitive and delicate portions of our life extremely reasonable.
Today we will look at how God fulfilled his promise and we will see that God had made plans to fulfill the promise well before he made the promise. We can trust and rely on the Promises of God!
Come and worship with us this morning.
Bro. Sam