Where Your Heart Has A Home

Are You Ready?

Text:  Matthew 25:1-13

There are some things we hope we can transfer to our girls. We don’t have anything of extraordinary value, but we do have some items that belonged to our parents or grandparents that we hope to transfer to them.  

Unfortunately, there are some things that, as much as we maywant to transfer to them, we simply can’t.  Faith, biblical knowledge, service to God are all things we can show them as an example, but we cannot give ours to them.  Some things cannot be transferred.

Our kids will not be judged by our sins, nor will they be rewarded for our faith.

Our text this morning comes from Matthew 25:1-13 which is the parable of the 10 bridesmaids. Jesus is answering the question of when he will return to earth.  The answer is simple. Only God Knows.  Because we do not know when Jesus will return, Jesus uses this parable  to explain that we have to stay ready.

In, the parable  five bridesmaids were called wise because they were prepared; Five were called foolish because they were not prepared. At the last moment, the unprepared bridesmaids tried desperately to borrow from their sisters. Unfortunately, the preparation required for the return of Jesus  cannot be transferred.  

This morning, we will talk about personal preparation for Jesus’ return. We’ll also study the scripture to understand why we should focus on the kind of preparation that will help us get ready and stay ready.
