“But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.” (Jos 24:15)
[th]Proposed Texts[/th]
[td]August 6th[/td]
[td]Leon Ivory
(Hood St Church of Christ)[/td]
[td]The Battle for Family – Recognizing that the fight for the family is essential for society and the church as the family goes so goes the church and society [/td]
[td]Joshua 24:15[/td]
[td]August 13th[/td]
[td]Shelton Gibbs III
(Greenville Ave Church of Christ)[/td]
[td]What is Marriage? – Recognizing God’s definition, purpose and design of marriage [/td]
[td]Genesis 2:23-24[/td]
[td]August 20th[/td]
[td]Edward Robinson
(West End Church of Christ)[/td]
[td]Biblical Parenting – Recognizing the power and reward of effective and biblical parenting [/td]
[td]Joshua 24:15[/td]
[td]August 27th[/td]
[td]George Williams
(Church of Christ at East Side)[/td]
[td]Biblical Submission – Recognizing the principle of biblical submission to one another in the family [/td]
[td]Joshua 24:15[/td]
The thematic focus of the series is taken from Joshua 24:15: “…choose this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your fathers served in the region beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.” (ESV) In the beginning, in the Garden of Eden, God created the family. Since that time Satan has waged an eternal war against our families. As we look across our society one can’t help but wonder if he’s won. On every front there are challenges to successful, godly families.
Our media facilities can accommodate your audio visual needs. If you are bringing AV materials please let me know in advance and I’ll make arrangements with our Media Department in order to support your needs. Additionally, if you like to speak with me directly about the assigned text or my intentions for you please call — (512) 926-2988 ext #8105 office, or (512) 743-8005 cell.